Posted Nov 1, 2012

WITH most children going back to school, the new term doesn’t have to mean going back to old lunchtime habits and unhealthy snacking.

Lunch is a major part of children’s daily intake which, with a little imagination you can really pack a punch and provide a balanced diet. Include foods from the starch, protein and fruit and veg groups to provide a tasty, exciting and nutritious diet to fuel active little minds and hearts all day long.

Use different types of bread such as pitta bread, baguettes or wraps, and alternate between white and wholemeal varieties to keep sandwiches interesting and choose healthy fillings such as lean meat, chicken, fish and low-fat cheese.

For a tasty change, try rice, pasta or couscous made with colourful, finely chopped vegetables like tomato, cucumber, beetroot or sweetcorn.

Apples, oranges and bananas are great lunchbox fruits, but, for variety, try grapes, tangerines, kiwis and pears or include dried fruit like raisins, dried apricots or cranberries.

To help your children get their five-a-day, chop up some cucumber, carrots or pepper sticks too. If your child has a sweet tooth there are plenty of alternatives to chocolate and sweets; try cereal bars, malt or fruit bread or currant buns (without icing).

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