Holiday Stress and Supporting the Immune System

This year has been challenging, again. It has also been beautiful, again. As is the story of life. Chatting with a friend earlier this week, we reflected on the notion that life is a never-ending cycle of settling down and then discovering we have been thrown a curveball, again. And sometimes we get hit hard. But if you are reading this, then no matter how many times you experienced that up and down over the past year, you’re still here. You kept going and you kept trying to figure it out. So, before we launch into our focus for December on holiday stress and supporting the immune system consider inviting a full breath in through your nose and then let it go, exhaling through your mouth. Maybe repeat it a few times. Remind yourself of your strength, your survival, your endurance and how you continued showing up for yourself even if it didn’t feel like it throughout 2023.

The finish line of the calendar year is officially in sight. Last month we came face to face with shorter days and/or longer nights. We are embarking on the “most wonderful time of the year”, but some of us may be wondering how we can cultivate a sense of joy or peace over the coming weeks. The holidays can be a bit of a wild card. Some of us love it, some of us hate it, and some of us land somewhere in between. Regardless of our level of festive spirit, whether Grinch or Whovillian, it is likely that we will notice an elevated degree of stress at some point this month. We may find ourselves rushing about shopping, attending parties or gatherings, cooking/baking, traveling to visit loved ones, working extra hours, worrying if our mail orders will arrive on time, feeling down if we believe we lack holiday traditions, or experiencing a shift that has altered our typical holiday experiences. For December, we’ll be sharing a few stress-reducing tips to support navigating the holiday season, along with our top suggestions for supplements that may aid our immune health.

5 tips for navigating the holiday season:
  1. Have a plan and record it somehow (with paper or technology). By taking the time to organize our calendars, our shopping lists, our packing lists, etc. we gift ourselves a sense of preparedness and feel more in control. This can be extra important during a season with additional to-do’s and to keep ourselves on track.
  2. Normalize gifting and/or receiving homemade gifts, local business gifts, consumable gifts, occasion/event gifts, secondhand gifts. It is no secret that pronounced economic shifts have occurred and as a result many of us have been required to adjust our spending. If someone has created something homemade/handmade for you, consider the value you hold of the time, energy, and care that went into it. Lasting memories can be formed from experience or event based gifts. Local businesses truly are the backbone of our communities and it is more likely you will find something unique to give, whether it is a good or a service. Bonus: you help to stimulate the local economy, enrich the community, and it is often more sustainable. You share a more intimate connection with who is receiving your money in exchange for their offering. Have unopened toys or items from the past year? Know someone who would enjoy it? Enter the secondhand gift.
  3. Be okay with saying no and/or asking for help. It is possible that multiple events or gatherings may be scheduled for the same day. Be realistic about your capacity to attend and kindly decline if you are unable to-whether it is a schedule conflict or an event that you know is not good for you. Hosting a holiday dinner? List tasks that would alleviate some stress and ask attendees for help. The holidays can really bring us face to face with our ability to set healthy boundaries around our time and our well-being.
  4. Take a break. Depending on where we are located, we may be experiencing colder temperatures in addition to shorter days. Try taking a 15 minute (or more) walk outside everyday. It’s a small commitment to self, but you may surprise yourself with how this reset can support your mood and circadian rhythm (especially if you are able to get out in the morning!). Want to amp it up? See if you can notice your breathing and maybe layer that in as a practice. Other ideas: read a book, make and enjoy a favourite beverage, watch a movie with someone you care about, or get cozy and tune into your favourite meditation podcast (we like Mindful in Minutes with Kelly Smith).
  5. Maintain healthy habits. It is not uncommon for our regular diet and lifestyle habits to spiral out of control during the holiday season. We want to enjoy holiday gatherings, and we want to continue supporting our bodies as best as we can. Tip #1 to have a plan is very applicable here. We like to focus on prioritizing protein as much as possible at mealtime (or ahead of time if you know/suspect it may be lacking at a particular gathering), while enjoying special holiday items/treats if we so choose. Schedule more demanding this month? A short workout or any type of movement is always better than no movement. Check in with a friend or loved one and see if they would like to join you.
Our top picks for supporting immune health this holiday season include these Strauss Naturals products:
  • Strauss Naturals Immune Plus Drops are a multi–functional product designed to maintain and support both immune and digestive health. Available in easy-to-take liquid drops for adults with a refreshing spearmint flavour, which help provide effective relief of coughs, colds, and bronchitis, as well as help alleviate conditions of the digestive tract, such as gastritis and dyspepsia.
  • Strauss Naturals Cold Storm Drops Helping you conquer your cold. A full spectrum garlic extract that tastes great. Garlic contains powerful phytochemicals that are proven to be effective against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. There are over 500 phytochemicals contained in garlic including allicin, alliin, and ajoene which are proven to be effective against colds. Garlic helps to detox heavy metals and when used preventatively it helps to reduce their absorption. COLDSTORM also supports the immune system by helping to boost glutathione levels.
  • Strauss Naturals Smooth Oregano Drops are used in Herbal Medicine as a source of antioxidants. Most oregano oils are too strong for the average person, causing coughing and gagging. With Strauss, you’ll notice the difference with a pleasantly sweet and natural spearmint flavour with a bit of spice that you can even dilute in water! Just add a few drops to your water bottle and enjoy throughout the day.
  • Strauss Naturals Travel Bug Drops are a multi-functional product designed for people on the go. These easy to take drops help provide effective relief of nausea and vomiting, upset stomach, and cough and cold symptoms.

Wondering why ethyl alcohol is used in Strauss products?

The alcohol that is used in all Strauss products is ethanol. It is high quality, extremely pure, derived from natural NON-GMO corn that is distilled and purified such that it is corn and gluten free, and 200 proof. All herbal companies manufacture their tinctures with ethanol. Ethanol is considered safe and is the same alcohol present in red wine. The alcohol is present for two reasons, one as a catalyst to aid body absorption of the herbal components; two as a preservative for the herbs that helps prevent microbial contamination.

The content in this post is for information purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of conditions that your health care practitioner should assess. The products discussed may not be suitable for you. Always read and follow the label.

For additional immune health recommendations, you are always welcome to visit us in-store at 317 Brock Street S Whitby, ON L1N 4K3.


As a way of expressing our gratitude and in an effort to make your holiday season even merrier, we are offering the following Coupon Codes that can be used throughout the entire month of December. *Non-retroactive. Some exclusions apply.*

Use coupon code MERRY5 at online checkout for 5% off orders of $50 or more before applicable taxes.

Use coupon code MERRY10 at online checkout for 10% off orders of $100 or more before applicable taxes.

Use coupon code MERRY15 at online checkout for 15% off orders of $150 or more before applicable taxes.

At FeelGood Natural Health, we deeply appreciate the ongoing support of our customers (returning and new) over the past 25 years. Like all small businesses, it is our customers that have allowed us to operate as long as we have and to continue doing our best to meet your natural health needs. Our entire team wishes you a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. We look forward to serving you in the new year!


Image: Adobe Stock Image

Product Information: Strauss Naturals

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