The summer is young and the heat is extreme but back to school season will be here before we know it. With the help of our friends at Alive, we’re here to provide you with easy, practical, and natural ways to boost your kids immune system to keep them healthy and learning all year long.

The immune system is our body’s defense against germs; micro-organisms including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. We can’t avoid germs entirely, nor would we want to, but they can become problematic when they make themselves comfortable and overstay their welcome. Common viruses like influenza and rhinovirus can lead to the common cold and lower respiratory tract infections like bronchitis or pneumonia.

Limiting exposure to germs is the best defense against infection. The most contaminated surfaces tend to be items that are frequently handled including touchscreens, doorknobs, handles, and faucets. It is helpful to keep these items and surfaces cleaned at home. The last few weeks of summer may also serve as the perfect time to get kids back into a handwashing routine.

Exercise and physical activity are foundational to overall health in both kids and adults. Daily movement contributes to virtually every system of the body. Reduced inflammation, cardiovascular, respiratory, immune and neurologic benefits including improved self-esteem and reduced psychological stress are commonly reported.

Deficiencies in key nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, iron, zinc, and selenium can weaken immune health. In particular, low vitamin D levels may increase risk of infections of the respiratory tract. This can be a significant challenge for parents with picky eaters. In this case, a multivitamin with minerals can be helpful. Find our top suggestions for back to school kids immune health below.

Did you know?

  • Children under one year old have the common cold six times per year, on average.
  • Children between 10 and 14 years old have the common cold three times per year, on average.
  • Seasonal flu is more common in children under age five.

Supplementation can help!

  • Vitamin D supplementation in school-aged children may play a role in helping to reduce incidence of influenza A.
  • Vitamin C supplementation can help reduce severity of the common cold and its duration by up to 14 percent in children.
  • Zinc supplementation may help reduce risk of pneumonia and the common cold, specifically in children. Lozenges taken within 24 hours of initial symptoms may shorten duration and severity of the common cold in children.


Top Picks for Kids Immune Health

The content in this post is for information purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of conditions that your health care practitioner should assess. The products discussed may not be suitable for you. Always read and follow the label.

For additional hydration recommendations, you are always welcome to visit us in-store at 317 Brock Street S Whitby, ON L1N 4K3.

At FeelGood Natural Health, we deeply appreciate the ongoing support of our customers (returning and new) over the past 26 years. Like all small businesses, it is our customers that have allowed us to operate as long as we have and to continue doing our best to meet your natural health needs. Our entire team wishes you a safe, happy, and healthy back to school season.


Irwin, C. 2023. “Bolstering Kids’ Immunity”. <>

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