Are you one of the millions making their New Year’s resolution to finally get healthy and lose a little weight? If you are, don’t make the mistake of trying to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest time by starving yourself. This can set you up for failure and by Valentine ‘s Day you’ll likely binge and re-gain whatever was lost, plus a pound or two.

Instead, focus on making healthy changes that will last a lifetime. Don’t change more than what you can live with or you won’t stick with it. According to research, it takes about 21 days to make something a habit. Make small achievable goals and move on as each one becomes a habit in your new healthy lifestyle.

1. Get physical everyday. Participate in physical activities you ENJOY. This will help keep you motivated. Change activities when you are bored with your current routine. Join a friend. Increasing muscle mass will help your body burn fat more easily.

2. Cut out empty calories. Limit excessive intake of “junk” foods. Even fat free cookies and crackers can contribute to weight gain.

3. Curb liquid calories. Avoid regular sodas, fruity drinks, & cappuccinos. Cutting out one 200 calorie drink/day will lead to a 20 lb weight loss in one year!

4. Eat at least 1200 calories a day. Cutting back on calories too much can make your body hold on to fat and slow your metabolism.

5. Think HEALTHY, not just SKINNY! Only weigh yourself weekly. Let your clothes be the judge-remember 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat. Your weight may not change much, but you may see big changes in blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides, and pant size.

6. Set Realistic Goals. Focus on the 1st 10 pounds

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