Posted Jan 25, 2011

Jan. 20–Frigid temperatures can keep people inside this time of year. But, there is a group of outdoor hikers who share the belief that people should get outside because it’s beautiful out there.

“A walk in the woods in the winter is medicine for the mind … and, remember, we get Vitamin D on our hikes,” said Bob Anderson, who leads a weekly Wednesday morning hike in Harold Parker State Forest.

The hike steps off faithfully every Wednesday morning at 10, regardless of the weather. Between 30 and 50 hikers of all ages turn out regularly, many of them from Andover, according to Anderson. Anyone is welcome to join the group. Hikers meet at the Harold Parker State Forest headquarters, 305 Middleton Road, North Andover.

When the Wednesday morning hike program started two years ago, Anderson wasn’t sure if people would come. They have and he’s thrilled, he said.

“There’s so much beauty in winter. We’ll see a birch tree branch covered in snow and ice and tap it,” he said. “It’s so peaceful.”

Even closer to home are outdoor winter events sponsored by the Andover Village Improvement Society. Founded in 1894, AVIS is a non-profit land trust dedicated to acquiring land in Andover and preserving it in its natural state. AVIS encourages public use and quiet enjoyment of its reservations of land. AVIS is one of the oldest conservation organizations in the country.

The group is gearing up for two popular winter events outdoors as winter slacking can leave a person out of balance.

“I was out yesterday (Monday, Jan. 17) and it was 5 degrees. I snow-shoed at Deer Jump (Reservation in Andover) and it was well-tracked, so people are out,” AVIS President Fred Snell said.

Snell said Andover residents are fortunate because conservation land is an important part of the town’s landscape. There’s AVIS-owned land, state-preserved land and some 2,000 acres of town-owned land protected from development and managed by the town’s Conservation Commission.

“Get off the couch and get moving,” Snell said. “It may be cold, but overdress in layers. Your body creates heat when you’re moving.”

People don’t need Aspen-style snow shoes or cross country skis to enjoy what Andover residents have in their backyard, he said.

“You don’t need new equipment. You can rent them in town, at Moor & Mountain (in Dundee Park). And, there are no lift lines. Getting outside in Andover for some winter exercise is a gas saver, too,” Snell said.

Get off the couch: Potato alternatives


Hikes take place every Wednesday morning at Harold Parker State Reservation. Meet at the headquarters, 305 Middleton Road, North Andover at 10 a.m. This is a moderately-paced walk for all ages. Wear walking footwear, bring water, and sunscreen; 617-828-1728,


Sunday, Jan. 30, 10 a.m., meet at AVIS Rafton Reservation, Andover. Beginners welcome. No pets. Rain cancels. Directions: From Interstate-93 Exit 43, head east on Route 133 to first traffic light and turn left onto Greenwood Road. Travel about 1 mile to a left turn onto High Plain Road. Continue 1 mile and park near the leaf compost area. Map location: Insert N 42.65981 W 71.20583 into More info: David Dargie 978-996-4475,, Burt Batcheller 978-475-3665, This will be the 41st anniversary of this trip.


Sunday, Feb. 13, in the AVIS Goldsmith Woodlands, Andover. Park at the reservation (AVIS property), at 491 South Main St. Meet at 6 p.m.. No pets. Rain cancels. From Interstate 93 Exit 41, head north on Route 125 to Route 28 north (South Main Street). Reservation is on the left before Gould Road. Map REF: Insert N 42.61016 W 71.12366 into More info: Burt Batcheller 978-475-3665,, David Dargie 978-996-4475,


Sunday, Feb. 6, by the Trustees of Reservations, in the Ward Reservation, Andover. Enjoy afternoon snowshoe/walk in the woods. Scenic views from the top of Holt Hill. Meet at 1:30 p.m. in the parking lot. From Interstate 93 Exit 41, take Route 125 north. Go past the intersection with Route 28, and continue about 2.5 miles to Prospect Road. Turn right and travel 0.4 miles to the parking area. More info: Helen Palmer, 978-657-9153,, or Ben Lovell,


Sunday, March 6, in the West Parish Meadow, Indian Ridge, Andover. Hike three miles through woods, over meadow and a glacial esker and around a pond. Meet at 1:30 p.m., in the parking lot near the arch across from West Parish Church. More info: Fred Snell 978 686-3647,

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Copyright © 2011, Andover Townsman, Mass.

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