Posted Mar 20, 2011

1. According to, the word “broccoli” comes from the Italian word “braccio,” which means what?

a) knee cap

b) arm

c) foot

2. Everyone knows that broccoli is a good source of calcium, especially for the lactose-intolerant. But it’s also high in what?

a) vitamin C

b) vitamin B12

c) vitamin E

3. One cup of raw broccoli provides what percentage of the daily value of fiber, according to

a) 46 percent

b) 22 percent

c) 9 percent

4. According to, broccoli is a “safe” vegetable for gout patients to consume for what reason?

a) It’s alkaline-forming

b) It attacks free radicals in the body by blocking fat absorption

c) It’s so tasteless that you won’t eat too much of it

5. In “The Simpsons” episode “Treehouse of Horror XI,” Homer dies after eating broccoli, which is called what?

a) “vegetable of the gods”

b) “Timothy Leary’s favorite natural psychotropic”

c) “the deadliest plant on earth”

ANSWERS: 1: b; 2: a; 3: c; 4: a; 5: c


Call The Bee’s Sam McManis, (916) 321-1145.


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