Posted Aug 27, 2011

If your kids seem permanently picky, don’t despair – simply introducing them to new foods can pave the way for future good eating. “Encourage them to take a bite, but don’t make a big deal of it,” says Janice Kailos, a school wellness instructor in Williamsburg, Va. Some tips:

Don’t push kids to eat. Anger, bribes and threats will set up a power struggle over food that will only worsen over time. Serve small portions to avoid waste, stay calm and don’t expect too much.

Be patient. It’s normal for young kids to do anything but swallow a new food – including touching, smelling, squishing and even putting tiny bits in their mouth and spitting it back out. You also may need to serve something 10 or even 20 times before a child accepts it.

Don’t focus on taste. Present new dishes neutrally, without saying, “You’ll like this.” Talk about color, shape, smell and texture instead of taste.

Experiment together… Pick out items you’ve never tried before either, and sample them with your kids. Encourage everyone to take a bite – or ideally two – before labeling something “icky.”

… and enlist others to help. Kids may try new dishes at parties or with friends or relatives that they’d never touch with a parent watching.

Serve the best versions of produce. Don’t introduce kids to melon with an unripe slice of cantaloupe. Let them help pick out in-season fruits and vegetables.

Make it fun. Pair food with a kid-friendly dip, cut it into fun shapes or combine it with favorites: thinly sliced vegetables on noodles, for example, or fruit salad with a little ice cream or cucumber between two crackers.

Respect their tastes. Kids might not like certain dishes until they’re older (or never). Just keep looking for new favorites.

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