Posted Aug 31, 2011

IT seems that some Cardiff (in Wales, UK) families have been plunged back into the Victorian Age with the return of the medical condition of rickets.

And some experts are blaming modern phenomena, such as computer games, for the return of the illness brought on by a vitamin D deficiency.

Rickets is an illness that cause the softening of bones and can lead to deformity and fractures.

It is something which caused misery for many in the 19th century.

Sunlight is a major source of vitamin D. But it seems many Cardiff children are shunning the sun in favour of playing games and watching television.

And Cardiff University researcher in child health Dr Elspeth Webb has raised concerns for women living in certain communities who cover themselves up when going outside due to their religious or cultural beliefs.

The Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, which runs the Cardiff Vitamins Pilot, should be applauded for their project which has seen 10,000 courses of free vitamins handed out to pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under four.

And hopefully the Welsh Government get behind the scheme to consign rickets back into the dustbin of history where it should stay.

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