Over the course of time, daily living has increasingly exposed us to various toxins, pollutants, and chemicals commonly referred to as xenobiotics. Our bodies have organs and systems in place to naturally detox and rid us of these foreign substances, and it can be helpful to offer them some additional support! The rapid evolution of industrial agriculture, processed foods, synthetic cosmetics/body care, and elevated pollution in the environment are just a few of the potentially toxic sources our bodies have to contend with on a regular basis. Some signs and symptoms of over toxicity include:

  • Fatigue
  • Food allergies/intolerances
  • Skin issues
  • Weight gain or inability to gain weight
  • IBS, constipation, or irregular bowel movements
  • Weakened immune function
  • Hormonal or blood sugar imbalances
  • Depression, anxiety, mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Low sex drive
  • Sugar cravings

Embracing the shift in seasons from winter to spring can be the perfect time to try a gentle detox. In the spring, the ice melts and the rivers run strong. Imitate spring in your body by consistently keeping fresh water running through it. Something as basic as drinking lemon water first thing in the morning can be a great first step in shifting energy levels, supporting kidney function and the lymphatic system, and providing vitamin C. It is recommended to drink at least 2-3 litres of filtered water everyday to clear water soluble toxins via the kidneys. Remember, detox and cleansing is not about strict diets or prolonged supplementation, but about giving your body a break from daily toxins, introducing detoxifying foods, shifting unconscious habits to mindful ones, daily movement that you enjoy and can commit to, and offering your body an intentional/short-term boost from supplements designed to support the process.

Clean diet

A healthy diet influences beneficial effects on our body’s detoxification functions. A whole foods diet that includes a rich variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy proteins contains many phytonutrients and amino acids that enhance phase II detox enzyme activity. Eliminate highly processed foods, sugars, alcohol, and excess caffeine and emphasize green vegetables, dietary fibre, and sufficient water intake. Ensure you are consuming adequate protein (animal or plant-based) and consciously sourcing (i.e. organic, non-GMO, local) as much as possible. It can be beneficial to practice eating until you reach a self-gauged level of “half full”. You may also consider working with a naturopath to identify food intolerances or implementing some sort of elimination diet when you begin your cleanse. Choosing fibre rich foods that will bind to toxins in the digestive tract helps them to be excreted from the body effectively-or using a high fibre supplement such as psyllium husks. Some of the top foods and nutrients for upregulating glutathione, one of the most important phase II detoxification enzymes include broccoli, cabbage, garlic, onions, resveratrol, omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, green tea, asparagus, and spinach.

Lifestyle Supports

There are many cleanse support tools that may be incorporated into your spring detox. These tools and practices include epsom salt baths, tongue scraping, dry brushing, sauna, red light therapy, rebounding, castor oil packs, breathing exercises, oil pulling, enemas/colonics, mantras, and visualization to name a few.

Cleansing/Detox Supplements

There are many herbal cleansing formulas to choose from. Beginners may start with a total-body formula. These typically last up to two weeks in duration and are made up of gentler, whole herbs to provide natural support for the body’s detoxification organs including the kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, and bowels/colon. Remember: During any cleanse or detox protocol, the aim is to support the detoxification processes of the body while maintaining a healthy balance of nutrients and being mindful of our daily habits like movement, hydration, and sleep.

Our top suggestions for gentle detox and cleansing supplements are:

  1. Natural Factors RevitalX & Detoxitech Seven Day Total Nutritional Cleansing Program seven day, two-step total detox and healing food program that is formulated to provide gastrointestinal healing and complete nutritional support. Nourishes the detoxification organs. Low-allergy potential, gluten-free, low-glycemic index program.
  2. Prairie Naturals ReCleanse 7-Day Herbal Cleanse Kit formulated to gently and effectively support your body’s natural detoxifying and elimination process. Elimination of toxins is a gradual process that can take longer than one week. Regular and repeated use of ReCleanse 7-Day Herbal Cleanse will help your body gradually and gently cleanse itself of a wide range of toxic substances without harsh side effects and while allowing a variety of cleanse-friendly foods.
  3. Pascoe Detox Kit 3x20mL a homeopathic kit for the relief of indigestion, hives, bloating, irritability, fatigue, headaches, constipation and sinus congestion. Gentle and effective formula ideal for anyone who wants to try a detox for the first time.
  4. Flora FLOR•ESSENCE®Herbal Cleanse a traditional herbal formula developed to gently cleanse the whole body at the cellular level. 8-herb formula synergistically supports multiple elimination pathways. Safe and effective full body cleanse.

The content in this post is for information purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of conditions that your health care practitioner should assess. The products discussed may not be suitable for you. Always read and follow the label.

For additional recommendations, you are always welcome to visit us in-store at 317 Brock Street S Whitby, ON L1N 4K3.


Fritz, H. 2024. “Supporting Your Body’s Detox Processes”. <https://www.alive.com/health/heart-health-in-a-heartbeat/>

Image: Chantal Organics. 2021. “5 Tips for a Gentle Spring Detox”. <https://www.chantalorganics.co.nz/blog/5-tips-for-a-gentle-spring-detox/>


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