Posted Feb 22, 2012

If you want to find out how many calories it adds to get pepperoni on your pizza – or, maybe, you are curious about the amount of carbohydrates in watermelon – the USDA has a new database for that.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s new SuperTracker database is a free tool designed to help consumers make healthy food and physical activity choices.

The resource was released in December and can be found at

“Overcoming the health and nutrition challenges we face as a nation is critical and the SuperTracker provides consumers with an assortment of tools to do just that,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

“This easy-to-use website will help Americans at all stages of life improve their overall health and well-being as they input dietary and physical activity choices into the tool.”

SuperTracker offers the ability to:

Search the nutritional value of foods.

Personalize recommendations for what and how much to eat and amount of physical activity.

Customize features such as goal setting, virtual coaching, weight tracking and journaling.

Measure progress with comprehensive reports ranging from a simple meal summary to in-depth analysis of food groups and nutrient intake over time.

The USDA created SuperTracker to assist people as they make changes in their life to reduce their risk of chronic disease and maintain a healthy weight.

Nicole Marshall Middleton 918-581-8459

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