Here are two natural remedies for protection from the flu, including H1N1.

  • They can be taken together or separately.
  • They may be taken along with the flu shots.

Product #1:

Influenzinum 9c Flu Shot Alternative For 2010/2011 Flu Season (6 Doses=6 Week Supply)

Influenzinum 9c is your best choice as a flu preventive. Influenzinum 9c is the only homeopathic flu product that is updated each year based on the flu strains predicted by the World Health Organization. Specially formulated to stimulate the body’s own defense system to resist the onset of the season’s flu strains. Shown year after year to be highly effective to prevent the flu. Safe and natural, this helps your immune system, not depress it as other methods to prevent the flu.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Influenzinum in a 9 Ch dilution.

INDICATIONS: Traditionally used for preventing the flu and its related symptoms.

For extra protection combine Influenzinum with
Thymo Immune Booster


Adults: Take the contents of one Influenzinum tube. Allow the contents of the tube to dissolve under the tongue, preferably away from meals. Take one tube per week for a period of six weeks. For optimum results use with Thymo.

Children: Take 1/2 the adult dose.

The cold season is upon us once more, and many of us are thinking about getting the Influenza vaccine to help avoid the unpleasant symptoms and sometimes dangerous consequences of this viral infection. For those who have opted for the flu vaccine, homeopathy can reinforce the vaccine’s action, and for those who have decided not to get vaccinated, homeopathy offers a natural solution without side effects. Our immunoglobin-A protects and defends us from the various viruses and bacteria we encounter on a daily basis, be it by inhalation or by ingestion. At this early stage, a healthy person’s immunoglobin-A will be able to fend off any offensive pathogens. However, a person whose immune system is deficient because of stress, fatigue, chronic illness, or bad eating habits, will have more trouble defending themselves against attacking viruses and bacteria. At this stage, the invading pathogen crosses over into the bloodstream and the immune system is called into action. It is at this point that we generally begin to experience the symptoms of the illness: fever, cough, congestion, aches and pains, shivers, etc

  • Influenzinum is for preventing the flu and its related symptoms.
  • Influenzinum is a natural homeopathic alternative to the flu vaccine.
  • Influenzinum does not have any side effects and is safe for everyone.
  • Influenzinum is homeopathically prepared with the current strain of the flu vaccine.

Purchase Influenzinum for $12.99: Influenzinum

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