It’s not a name that rolls off the tongue-that’s for sure. But it doesn’t stop dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) from being one of the most versatile, safe and powerfully effective healthy aging supplements around… whether you’re after razor sharp concentration or a youthful complexion.

As a naturally occurring substance that you can find in brain-boosting foods like anchovies and sardines, DMAE’s positive effects on attention, mood, behavior, learning and motor coordination should come as no surprise. This compound has long been recognized for its ability to stimulate the production of choline (a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is critical to learning and memory)… and you’ll be happy to hear that its reputation as a cognitive booster is backed up by some serious science, too.1-3

Research indicates that DMAE supplementation can support quick thinking, enhance concentration, positively impact mood and IQ, and cut through brain fog and irritability-safely, non-addictively and without jittery side effects.4-5 Studies also reveal DMAE’s distinct edge over placebo when it comes to the puzzle-solving, organizational and functioning capacity of children.6-7

Of course, attention span and learning capacity aren’t the only mental faculties supported by a daily dose of DMAE. A recent study of individuals showed that DMAE can also enhance mood and promote a sense of well-being-while further research supports this substance’s potentially important role in controlling involuntary movement, such as eyelid twitching.8-11

Even your skin tone can benefit from routine DMAE supplementation: One double-blind study showed that a gel containing a three percent concentration of DMAE was able to significantly firm and enhance skin tone.12 And even more evidence supports DMAE’s role in blocking the build-up of lipofuscin-the brownish pigment behind the appearance of so-called "age spots"-in your body’s tissues, leading to clearer, tighter, younger-looking skin.13

Finally, animal research suggests that DMAE may even contribute to life extension, with studies showing a significant impact on the lifespan of DMAE-supplemented mice… offering one more reason to stock up on this mood-balancing, memory-sharpening, concentration-boosting, skin-supporting compound today.14 You can find DMAE as the featured ingredient in the daily supplements DMAE 100 Plus and DMAE 250, both available from Vitamin Research Products.

1. London ED, Coyle JT. Pharmacological augmentation of acetylcholine levels in kainate lesioned rat striatum. Biochem Pharmacol. 1978;27:2962-2965.
2. Haubrich D.R., Wang P.F., D.E. Clody D.E., Wedecking P.W. Increase in rat brain acetylcholine induced by choline or deanol. Life Sci. 1975;17:975-980.
3. Jope R.S., Jenden D.J. Dimethylaminoethanol (deanol) metabolism in rat brain and its effect on acetylcholine synthesis. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1979;211:472-479.
4. Pfeiffer G.C. Parasympathetic neurohormones. possible precursors and effect on behavior. Int Review of Neurobiology. 1959;195-244.
5. Oettinger L. The use of Deanol in the treatment of disorders of behavior in children. J Pediat. 1958;53:761-675.
6. Geller, S. J. Comparison of a tranquilizer and a psychic energizer. JAMA. 1960;174:89-92.
7. Coleman, N., Dexheimer, P., Dimascio, A., Redman, W., and Finnerty, R. Deanol in the treatment of hyperkinetic children. Psychosomatics. 1976;17:68-72.
8. Sergio W. Use of DMAE in the induction of lucid dreams. Med Hypotheses. 1988;26(4):255-257.
9. Dimpfel W., Wedekind W., Keplinger I. Efficacy of dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) containing vitamin-mineral drug combination on EEG patterns in the presence of different emotional states. Eur J Med Res. 2003 May 30;8(5):183-91.
10. Miller E. Deanol (DMAE) in the treatment of levodopa-induced dyskinesias. Neurology. February 1974;116-119.
11. Davis KL, Hollister LE, Vento AL, Beilstein BA, Rosekind GR. Dimethylaminoethanol (deanol): effect on apomorphine-induced stereotype and an animal model of tardive dyskinesia. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1979 May 25;63(2):143-6.
12. Uhoda I, Faska N, Robert C, Cauwenbergh G, Pierard GE. Split face study on the cutaneous tensile effect of 2-dimethylaminoethanol (deanol) gel. Skin Res Technol. 2002 Aug;8(3):164-7.
13. Stenback F, Weisburger JH, Williams GM. Effect of lifetime administration of dimethylaminoethanol on longevity, aging changes, and cryptogenic neoplasms in C3H mice. Mech Ageing Dev. 1988 Feb;42(2):129-38.
14. Hochschild R. Effect of dimethylaminoethanol on the life span of senile male A/J mice. Exp Gerontol. 1973;8(4):185-191.

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