Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) who don’t want to take Viagra have an alternative: Korean red ginseng. This traditional Asian remedy for sexual dysfunction can effectively treat ED, new research from Brazil and Korea suggests.   Researchers say ginseng can be "an effective alternative" for men dealing with ED.

In Brazil, researchers studied 60 men with mild or mild to moderate ED. The men received either 1,000 mg of Korean red ginseng three times daily or a placebo.

After treatment, the Korean red ginseng group scored significantly higher than before treatment on the International Index of Erectile Function. The placebo group showed no difference before and after treatment.

"Our data show that [Korean red ginseng] can be an effective alternative to the invasive approaches for treating male ED," the researchers concluded.

A Korean study also points to Korean red ginseng as an effective alternative for treating ED. In this study, 45 men with ED were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or 900 mg of Korean red ginseng three times daily. After treatment, scores on the International Index of Erectile Function were significantly higher in the Korean red ginseng group than in the placebo group.

The Journal of Family Practice describes Korean red ginseng as "a safe, widely available alternative remedy that improves patients’ ability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse, even in a population with severe erectile dysfunction. It is a reasonable, nonprescription treatment, especially for men with reservations about taking [Viagra]."

Sources: Asian J Androl. 2007 Mar;9(2):241-4. Epub 2006 Jul 11; J Urol. 2002 Nov;168(5):2070-3; J Fam Pract. 2003 Jan;52(1):20-1

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