It could show up as digestive trouble-like chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloating or flatulence. Or, it could surface as reduced (or hyperactive) immunity instead-marked by joint pain, skin eruptions, bacterial infections, or thrush. Or maybe you’ve found yourself struggling with mental fog, chronic fatigue, depression, irritability, or mood swings… all without any identifiable source to speak of.

At first glance, it doesn’t even seem possible that so many different conditions could have one primary cause. But the truth is, all of these seemingly unrelated symptoms could have one disorder in common… and it’s one that might surprise you.

You may think of infection by a yeast-and Candida albicans in particular-as a "female" problem. And it’s true that women can be especially vulnerable to this threat, suffering recurrent yeast infections for reasons ranging from birth control pills to a round of antibiotics. But the fact is, Candida resides in the body of all warm-blooded animals regardless of gender-and if it’s allowed to grow out of control, the consequences can be serious, resulting in several (or all) of the health-robbing symptoms listed above.

It’s known as Candidiasis-a condition in which harmless, budding yeast cells transform into a full-blown, filamentous fungus-due to hormonal imbalances, diabetes, GI flora imbalances, stress, or even excess sugar consumption-and become capable of invading your GI tissues and bloodstream, and wreaking havoc on your health.1-2 What’s worse, Candidiasis is confused with any number of other illnesses more often than not… leaving the real cause of your (irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), joint pain, or chronic fatigue untreated as a result.

Ultimately, the first step toward a solution is always an accurate diagnosis… and that’s where VRP’s Candida Antibodies and Antigen Panel comes into play.

This comprehensive, easy-to-use test kit allows you to positively identify Candidiasis in your body, so that you can take those critical steps necessary to gain control of this hidden enemy (and your health in the process) today. By testing serum for Candida antigen-a protein marker on the surface of your cells-as well as the Candida-specific antibodies of the IgM class (an indicator of recent infection), IgG antibodies (an indicator of past or ongoing infection), and IgA (an indicator of a milder, more superficial infection), this exhaustive test is able to verify new, previous, and localized Candida infections, accurately and reliably.

Sound complicated? Well, it’s not: The Candida Antibodies and Antigen Panel is a simple, affordable, finger-prick blood test that you can perform yourself at home-it comes complete with all the materials you’ll need to conveniently ship your specimen to the lab, with results returned to you in as little as 10 to 14 days. If the results indicate that infection with Candida is a problem, you can eliminate the energy-zapping effects of this organism by undertaking an anti-candida diet and supplementing with KandidaPlex, a powerful blend of anti-Candida botanicals, plus taking BioPRO, a blend of five probiotic bacteria. The end result? Improved energy and the possible resolution of a host of symptoms.

1. Crook WG. The Yeast Connection, A Medical Breakthrough. 2nd Addition. Professional Books. Jackson, TN, 1984.
2. Crook WG. The Yeast Connection and the Woman. Professional Books. Jackson, TN. 1987

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