Leritone SE (60 Capsules) *DISCONTINUED

CAD $29.97

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Product Code: NUC0105 Categories: , , , Brand:

Product Description

Supports the cognitive function, helps maintain eyesight, helps improve mood, sleep. An antioxidant.

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Each capsule contains:

Medicinal Ingredients:

275 mg of fish oil (containing 12% DHA, 18% EPA), 75 mg of natural vitamin C, 42.5 mg of phospholipids (Ovophospholipids®), 50 mg of citrus extract (Citrus sinensis), including 45% biflavonoids, 15 mg of grape pomace (Vitis vinifera), 8.4 mg ATE (alpha-tocopherol equivalents) of natural vitamin E, 1.5 mg RAE (retinol activity equivalents) of vitamin A, 100 mcg of selenium, and 5 mcg of vitamin D.

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

Gelatin, glycerin, yellow beeswax, soya lecithin, yeast, maltodextrin.

Take 2 capsules daily with the morning meal, for a minimum of 2 months. May be taken over long periods of time.


Consult a healthcare practitioner before using if you have a history of non-melanoma skin cancer. Since Leritone Se contains fish and egg extracts, people allergic to the latter should not use this product.

Always read and follow the label.

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