Posted Sept 22, 2013

By Vipin, Manu

It high time you got addicted to green tea.

If you are yet to taste green tea, it is high time that you got started. The reasons are many. Studies show that, drinking two or more cups of green tea a day could help protect you from cancer as it is loaded with antioxidants. People who drank green tea showed a lower risk of cancer in the upper digestive tract and in the colon and in the rectum.

– Green tea has been proven to reduce the growth of streptococcus bacterium, a type of bacteria that grows in our mouths and causes cavities and gingivitis.

– Green tea may aid in weight loss. In a study using green tea caffeine and a placebo, only the green tea extract increased metabolism and energy.

– It is found that the powerful antioxidant ‘polyphenol’ in green tea has the ability to inhibit and stop the action of a particular enzyme that causes tumors.

An acquired taste

Green tea has a flavor unlike the ordinary tea that we drink. And many people get put off by its bitter taste. There are also others who feel that the harmful chemicals sprayed on the tea leaves could do more harm than good. An option is to switch to organic green tea. That way you can ensure that the tea leaves are free from any chemical residue.

Drink 4-5 cups a day

Many studies, especially the one by American Journal of Epidemiology, states that the beneficial effects of drinking green tea is derived by only drinking around 4-5 cups a day.

So just get started.

© 2013 Bennett, Coleman & Company Limited

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