Posted July 8, 2010

Clearly, vitamin K needs a new agent. It simply doesn’t garner the attention of those media-absorbing nutrients, vitamins C, D and E. Today, we help rectify that by devoting our quiz to all things K.

1. From which German word does the “K” in vitamin K come?

a) Kerngesund

b) Koagulation

c) Krapfen

2. In addition to promoting blood clotting, vitamin K (according to recent studies) helps protect against what condition in older men?

a) Diabetes

b) Sciatica

c) Gout

3. Which leafy-green vegetable has the highest amount of vitamin K?

a) Spinach

b) Kale

c) Collard greens

4. Which specific population group is particularly susceptible to vitamin K deficiency?

a) Octogenarians in cold-weather climates

b) Bodybuilders who use human growth hormone

c) Newborns who are breast-fed

5. Adequate intake of vitamin K for adult males is 120 micrograms per day (90 for adult females). How many raw carrots would you have to eat to reach that level?

a) 1

b) 9

c) 27

ANSWERS: 1: b (German for coagulation); 2: a (reduces the risk of insulin resistance); 3: b (1 cup, 1,062 micrograms); 4: c (human milk is relatively low in vitamin K compared with formula); 5: c



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