Meat Free Gluten Free Diet Helps RA Sufferers
Are you one of the millions making their New Year’s resolution to finally get healthy and lose a little weight? If you are, don’t make the mistake of trying to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest time by starving yourself. This can set you up for failure and by Valentine ‘s Day you’ll likely binge and re-gain whatever was lost, plus a pound or two.
Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, or fibromyalgia pain? Maybe you have frequent heartburn or “brain fog” and have just chalked it up to getting older. You might be surprised to learn that these ills can be caused or made worse by some common foods you’re eating everyday-even foods you consider to be healthy. You could have a food sensitivity and not know it.
Even though you may not realize they’re there, probiotics are a very important part of your body. Otherwise known as “friendly bacteria”, these well-meaning microbes are working hard to keep your GI tract in healthy balance.
Turn on the TV anytime of day and you’re likely to see one of those ads promoting a particular pill for heartburn relief. It is after all a multi-billion dollar industry and they are counting on your suffering.
Today’s fast paced lifestyle has everyone on the go and there is little time to think of the impact that diet has on our body functions. In the last few decades, our ability to perform physically at its peak level has dropped drastically. In this article I will offer you solutions how to improve physically and build a healthy body. These solutions include concentrated and standardized fruit and herbal extracts that can make a significant difference in how you perform.
Honey is well known for its naturally sweet properties, but it also can be used as a natural beauty aid. Apparently people have already been using honey since the days of Cleopatra for this purpose and today it can even be found in many manufactured beauty products.