Posted Nov 8, 2010

PEOPLE who stay up late at night watching television or using a computer may contribute to obesity, new research claims.

Scientists believe late-night viewing habits can disrupt metabolism by leading people to eat at the wrong times.

The evidence comes from a study of mice which showed that animals subjected to light at night put on weight. Over a period of eight weeks, they gained 50% more body mass than mice given the same diet but exposed to normal night and day cycles.

Light at night caused the mice to eat at inappropriate times for their metabolism. A similar effect might be seen in humans who eat late-night snacks in front of the television or computer.

Professor Randy Nelson, from Ohio State University in Columbus, said: “”Societal obesity is correlated with a number of factors including the extent of light exposure at night. It may be that people who use the computer and watch the television a lot at night may be eating at the wrong times, disrupting their metabolism.”

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