Posted June 14, 2012

If you are suffering from stomach problems, such as heartburn, abdominal cramps or loose stools, could it be stress related? The Harvard Medical School newsletter suggests watching for these and other common symptoms of stress and talk it over with your doctor.

Other physical symptoms to watch out for include stiff or tense muscles, especially in the neck and shoulder, headaches, sleep problems, shakiness or tremors, recent loss of interest in sex, weight loss or gain and restlessness.

Behavorial symptoms can include procrastination, grinding teeth, difficulty completing work assignments, changes in the amount of alcohol or food consumed, taking up smoking or smoking more than usual, increased desire to be with or withdraw from others and frequent talking or brooding about stressful situations.

Emotional symptoms to be on the lookout might involve crying, overwhelming sense of tension or pressure, trouble relaxing, nervousness, quick temper, depression, poor concentration, trouble remembering things, loss of sense of humor and indecisiveness.

By identifying symptoms and stress-causing situations in your life, it’s easier to come up with specific strategies to improving health.

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