Posted May 2, 2011

An appraising look in the mirror says it all. That New Year’s resolution, “I’m going to lose weight!,” is stuck in the starting blocks. But now spring is around the corner and you want to fight the fat. Experts advise, however, against the first fad diet that comes along. Better to examine your eating habits first.

“Before starting a weight loss programme, you should ask yourself whether you just want to shed two or three kilograms for the bikini season or slim down considerably more for reasons of health,” remarked Antje Gahl, a nutritionist at the German Nutrition Society. A special diet is not necessary to get rid of small areas of flab, she said. Knowing the basics of nutrition and exercise is enough.

To lose weight, nutrition experts say, you have to burn more calories than you take in. “All it takes to lose a few kilograms is to follow some nutritional principles: little or no alcohol, fruit and vegetables instead of sweets, more whole grain than white flour,” Gahl said.

Gradual weight loss is possible by consuming about 500 fewer calories less per day, she pointed out, adding that total intake should be at least 1,200 calories and include protein-rich foods providing the body with sufficient nutrients.

Ute Hantelmann, a home economist who teaches courses on weight loss and healthy eating habits at Hamburg’s consumer advice centre, takes a different approach. “I encourage people to stop counting calories for once and to pay attention to the composition of their meals,” she said.

Hantelmann recommends taking a look at food guide pyramids. The pyramids consist of building blocks of various food groups such as fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Each block represents a portion. “And each portion should fit into your hand,” Hantelmann said, adding that following the nutrition guideline resulted in about 1,500 calories a day.

She also recommends starting a food diary before making dietary changes. “It’s an inventory of the here and now,” she said. “My course participants often say it’s hard to recall in the evening what they’ve eaten and when. So they should write everything down right after meals.”

It is important to become more aware of personal eating habits, Hantelmann remarked. Realizing that “the chocolate disappeared in no time,” she said, is a springboard for more sensible nutrition. “And before you know it, the first half-kilo is gone.” This, she said, is a much better method of sustained weight loss than following guidelines.

Studies have shown that exercise can also help in shedding weight and keeping it off. According to Germany’s Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), people who are overweight or obese lose about 20 per cent more weight by dieting and exercising than by dieting alone.

The IQWiG also cites research showing that people who engaged in brisk walking or Nordic walking for an average of three hours a week for eight months lost about a kilogram and two per cent of their body fat simply by walking.

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